The duties of membership are to follow the Code of Ethics of the AMA, adhere to the policies and Core Values of the Medical Society of the State of New York, and be current in dues as defined in Article III.
A member convicted in a court of law of a crime evidencing moral turpitude shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Medical Society of the State of New York.
A member expelled from a component county medical society or suspended from its rights and privileges shall likewise be expelled or suspended for the same period from the Medical Society of the State of New York. The right of appeal to the State Society shall not be impaired. Members not in good standing or ceasing to be members of their component county medical society shall ipso facto have the same status in the State Society.
A member who has been dropped from the roll of a component county medical society by reason of failure to pay dues shall not be accepted by another component county medical society except by regular transfer after reinstatement in the original component county medical society. A member of one component county medical society shall not be permitted to transfer to membership in another component county medical society until said member has paid the current annual dues and assessments to the former component county medical society and has established a legal residence or works in the county to which said member desires transfer, except as provided in Article X, Section B, “Component County Medical Societies,” Section 2. The question of legal residence or locus of work shall be verified by the component county medical society to which the member desires transfer.
A student member who is suspended from his medical school shall likewise be suspended for the same period from the Medical Society of the State of New York.