- Reference Committees
At least one month before the meeting of the House of Delegates the speaker shall appoint and publish in the official publication of the Medical Society of the State of New York such reference committees as shall be deemed expedient for the purposes of the meeting. Immediately after the organization of the House of Delegates the speaker shall formally announce the appointments of the committees. Only members of the House of Delegates shall be eligible for appointment to the reference committees. Such committees shall each consist of five members, three members constituting a quorum, and shall serve during the meeting of the House of Delegates for which they are appointed.
Annual reports of officers, Council commissions and committees, Board of Trustees, Judicial Council, district branches, and special committees may be available at least one month before the meeting of the House of Delegates and sent to the members of the reference committees appointed according to paragraph 1, for their preliminary consideration.
All recommendations, resolutions, measures, and propositions presented to the House of Delegates and which have been duly seconded shall be referred by the speaker to the appropriate reference committees, except that reports of committees of the House of Delegates may, at the discretion of the House, be presented directly to the House without referral to the reference committees.
Each reference committee shall consider such business as may have been referred to it and shall report promptly to the House.
Any member of the Medical Society of the State of New York in good standing shall have the right to appear before any reference committee and participate in its deliberations.
- House Committee on Bylaws
The House Committee on Bylaws shall be appointed annually by the speaker. It shall consist of at least five members including a chairperson, all of whom shall be members of the House. The president, secretary, and the speaker shall be ex-officio members with voice and vote. The executive vice-president, deputy executive vice-president, and general counsel of the Medical Society of the State of New York shall be members of the committee with voice but without vote.
It shall be the duty of the committee to study all proposed amendments to the Bylaws and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the State Society and to report thereon at the annual meeting of the House of Delegates following the meeting at which such amendments are proposed. The committee shall include in its report recommendations for action on the proposed amendments with reasons for such recommendations.
It shall be the duty of the committee to suggest amendments to or revisions of the Bylaws and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Medical Society of the State of New York.
The report of the House Committee on Bylaws shall be presented directly to the House, without referral to a reference committee.
- Special Committees
Special committees may be created by the House of Delegates to perform the special functions for which they are created. They shall be appointed by the speaker or other officer presiding pro tempore over the meeting at which the committee is authorized.