

The Council shall sit as a trial body for hearings on charges of malfeasance and/or nonfeasance. The Council may also sit as a trial body for hearings in cases where charges of malfeasance or nonfeasance were issued by a regulatory body and settled by the physician.



The Council shall sit as a trial body for hearings on charges of malfeasance and/or nonfeasance. The Council may also sit as a trial body for hearings in cases where charges of malfeasance or nonfeasance were issued by a regulatory body and settled by the physician.

SECTION E – MEETINGS2023-10-11T22:07:06+00:00


The Council shall sit as a trial body for hearings on charges of malfeasance and/or nonfeasance. The Council may also sit as a trial body for hearings in cases where charges of malfeasance or nonfeasance were issued by a regulatory body and settled by the physician.

SECTION D – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE2023-10-11T22:06:20+00:00


The Council shall sit as a trial body for hearings on charges of malfeasance and/or nonfeasance. The Council may also sit as a trial body for hearings in cases where charges of malfeasance or nonfeasance were issued by a regulatory body and settled by the physician.

SECTION C – TRIALS FOR MALFEASANCE2023-10-11T22:05:37+00:00


SECTION B - DUTIES The Council shall take such action as is necessary to carry out the Bylaws and to give full effect to any resolution or vote of the House of Delegates. The Council shall also have power to legislate as a House of Delegates, when the latter is not in session, on all matters consistent with the Bylaws. The Council shall have the authority to make policy for the Medical Society of the State of New York when the House of Delegates is not in session. The Council’s resolutions and actions shall be decisive and final except that all resolutions and actions of the Council are subject to review by the House of Delegates.  Its actions shall be governed by the Bylaws of the Medical Society of the State of New York and the rules and regulations of the House of Delegates. The Council shall have the authority to vote all funds of the Society subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Council shall have power to fill any vacancy which may occur in any elective office not otherwise provided for, until the next meeting of the House of Delegates. The Council shall, by written notice, inform the component county medical societies of the specific Councilor assigned to it as liaison with the Council. The Council shall prepare an annual budget for submission to the Board of Trustees. In anticipation of a vacancy for the position of the Executive Vice-President, the Council shall approve a search committee for the recruitment and screening of applicants for that position. The search committee shall consist of seven members of the House of Delegates at the most recent annual meeting of the Society, two of whom are appointed by the President, two of whom are appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, and three of whom are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates.  The search committee will consider all applicants and present the most qualified applicant, or applicants, to the Council for selection, contingent upon negotiation of a satisfactory contract by the selectee with the Board of Trustees.  No individual who accepts an appointment to the search committee may be selected Executive Vice-President during that particular cycle, i.e. until the position is filled and subsequently vacated. The Council shall act on the applications for life membership which have been submitted by the component county medical societies.  A majority vote of the Council present and voting shall be necessary for election to life membership. The Council shall have responsibility for all publications of the Medical Society of the State of New York and their distribution.  For the purpose of required announcements, the official publication of the State Society shall be the News of New York. The Council, with the aid of the general counsel of the Medical Society of the State of New York, shall examine the constitution and bylaws of component county medical societies and district branches and/or all amendments thereto which shall be

SECTION B – DUTIES2023-10-11T22:04:36+00:00


SECTION A - COMPOSITION The Council shall be composed of the president, president-elect, vice-president, immediate past-president, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, speaker, vice-speaker, chairman of the Board of Trustees and 16 councilors elected by the House of Delegates. The trustees, the executive vice-president, the deputy executive vice-president, and the general counsel of the Medical Society of the State of New York shall attend all meetings of the Council with voice but without vote. The councilor from the young physician section shall attend all meetings of the Council with voice and with vote. The councilor from the resident and fellow section shall attend all meetings of the Council with voice and with vote. The councilor from the medical student section shall attend all meetings of the Council with voice and with vote. The councilor from the organized medical staff section shall attend all meetings of the Council with voice and vote. Four councilors shall be elected annually by the House of Delegates, each for a term of three years. Four councilors, one representing the young physicians’ section, one representing the organized medical staff section, and one representing the IMG Section and one representing the Minority Affairs Section shall be elected every third year by the House of Delegates for a term of three years. Two councilors, one councilor representing the medical student section and one councilor representing the resident and fellow section to the Medical Society of the State of New York, shall be elected every year by the House of Delegates, each for a term of one year. Article V, Section A, paragraph 4 is not applicable to the term of office of a resident or student councilor. In the event of a vacancy, a Councilor shall be elected by the Council to serve until the next meeting of the House of Delegates, at which time the House of Delegates shall elect a councilor to fill the unexpired term. No person shall serve, consecutively, more than two terms as councilor. An unexpired term shall not be construed as a term of office. The councilors shall assume office on election and shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Except for the councilor representing the medical student section, the councilor representing the resident and fellow section, the councilor representing the young physicians section and the councilor representing the Organized Medical Staff Section, the councilor representing the IMG section, and the councilor representing the Minority Affairs Section, Councilors shall be assigned to specific county societies as liaison for the Council in accordance with the provisions of Article VI, Section B, paragraph 8. Councilors shall be required to disseminate information of Council activity as well as returning information to the Council, and shall report regularly to the Council on their activity. The councilor representing the young physicians section must be a young physician member of the Medical Society of the State of New York and must have completed residency training and be under the age of 40, or regardless

SECTION A – COMPOSITION2023-10-11T22:03:01+00:00
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