Monthly Archives: October 2023


SECTION B. MEMBERSHIP Eligibility for membership in a component county medical society shall be determined by that society. However, all county medical societies shall utilize a universal membership application form which shall be approved by the Council. Component county medical societies shall act upon the receipt of a membership application in a timely manner not to exceed sixty days. A former student member of the Medical Society of the State of New York shall be permitted to convert to resident member status through his local county medical society during the first post-graduate year in an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) approved residency training program upon payment of county and state society dues and provision of an updated information form. Except by the approval of the Council, no physician shall be an active member in a component county medical society other than that of the county in which said physician works or maintains legal residence. Whenever an active member in good standing or a life member in any component county medical society removes to another county in this State, said member’s name on such request shall be transferred to the roster of the component county medical society of the county to which said member removes, without cost to said member, provided that the member is in good standing and communicates his or her wishes to one of the county medical societies affected, or to the Medical Society of the State of New York. A transfer will be presumed to be approved unless the county medical society in which the member seeks to participate notifies MSSNY in writing that acceptance has been delayed. Determinations as to the portion of the member’s annual dues payable to each of the affected county societies shall be based on the number of quarters for which each county society has provided or will provide service to the member. If the transfer is requested after dues notices have gone out for the year, the physician should pay the county dues amount billed, and the county medical societies will determine the portion of county dues to which each organization is entitled. Where there is significantly lower dues rate in the county society to which the member is transferring than is charged in the county from which the member is leaving, the affected county societies shall attempt to work out an agreement acceptable to the member. If the county societies are not able to resolve the question of county society dues to the satisfaction of the member within 45 days of the transfer request, MSSNY will record the transfer and send the physician a dues statement for the lower of the two county medical society’s dues rates. No physician shall be granted membership by any county medical society in any category of membership which has been created for the benefit of physicians who neither reside nor work in such county, unless and until such county medical society verifies, with the Medical Society of the State of New York,

SECTION B. MEMBERSHIP2023-10-12T19:41:29+00:00


SECTION A. DEFINITION The term “component county medical society” shall include all county medical societies now in affiliation with the Medical Society of the State of New York or which may hereafter be organized and chartered by the House of Delegates. There shall be but one component county medical society in each county affiliated with the State Society. If there should be an insufficient number of physicians in any of the counties of this State to form themselves into a component county medical society, such physicians may become members of the component county medical society of an adjoining county when eligible by the constitution and bylaws of such component county medical society.

SECTION A. DEFINITION2023-10-12T19:40:37+00:00


SECTION C. OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS Each district branch shall elect a president for two years and a delegate to the House of Delegates for two years, but with the approval of the Council, a district branch may elect a president for one year. Each district branch shall elect such other officers as are provided for in its bylaws. They shall attend the business meetings of the branch. In the case of the inability of the delegate of a district to serve, the vice-president shall serve as delegate, and if the vice-president is unable so to function, the president shall designate a substitute delegate to serve and shall so notify in writing the secretary of the Medical Society of the State of New York. Any elected officer of a district branch who is called into active service in the armed forces of the United States or the United States Public Health Service may, on application to the Council, be granted leave of absence for any portion of said term of office during which said officer is on active service. During such absence said officer’s duties shall be designated as the Council may direct, except where such delegation is already provided for elsewhere in the Bylaws. The president of each district branch shall visit the component county medical societies of the district at least once during the president’s tenure of office and make a careful inquiry of the condition of the profession in each county in the district and shall report thereon to the House of Delegates.

SECTION C. OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS2023-10-12T19:37:18+00:00


SECTION B. AIMS AND ORGANIZATION The objectives of the district branches shall be to promote the scientific, social, cultural, and other interests of the medical profession within the district and to cooperate with the Council of the Medical Society of the State of New York in any way which that body may advise. Each district branch may adopt a constitution and bylaws for its government and may amend them. The constitution, bylaws, and amendments shall not be in conflict with the Bylaws of the State Society and before becoming effective they shall be approved by the Council.

SECTION B. AIMS AND ORGANIZATION2023-10-12T19:36:25+00:00


SECTION A. DIVISION The membership of the Medical Society of the State of New York shall be divided into nine district branches, as follows: The First District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of the Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, and Richmond. The Second District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of Nassau and Suffolk. The Third District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of Albany, Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Sullivan, and Ulster. The Fourth District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren, and Washington. The Fifth District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of Cayuga, Chenango, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence. The Sixth District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of Broome, Chemung, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Schuyler, Tioga, and Tompkins. The Seventh District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, and Yates. The Eighth District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and Wyoming. The Ninth District Branch shall comprise the members of the Medical Societies of the Counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, and Westchester. Changes in the number or membership of these district branches may be made by a two-third vote of the House of Delegates at any annual meeting thereof.

SECTION A. DIVISION2023-10-12T19:35:34+00:00


SECTION F. MINORITY AFFAIRS SECTION Membership in the MSSNY Minority Affairs Section shall be open to those paid members of the Medical Society of the State of New York who are members in good standing of an ethnic or racial minority medical association. Conduct, rights and privileges of Minority Affairs Section membership shall be governed by the Bylaws of the MSSNY. The Minority Affairs Section may establish its own bylaws so long as they are not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Medical Society of the State of New York and are approved by the MSSNY Council. The Minority Affairs Section shall hold meetings in order to conduct such business as may be necessary. They shall establish a Governing Council to be elected by the constituents of the Minority Affairs Section. Any paid member of the Section may participate in meetings of the Section. The Minority Affairs Section is authorized to be represented in the House of Delegates by a minimum of one delegate and, according to the rolls of the Medical Society of the State of New York sixty days prior to the annual meeting, one additional delegate for each additional 400 members over 100, up to a maximum of three delegates. The method of electing the delegates representing the Minority Affairs Section shall be determined by the Council. The Minority Affairs Section is authorized to be represented on the MSSNY Council by one Councilor with voice and vote. The Minority Affairs Section Councilor shall be a member of the Minority AffairsSection. The duties of the Minority AffairsSection Councilor shall be as outlined in the MSSNY Bylaws, Article IV, Sections A and B.



SECTION E. IMG SECTION Membership in the MSSNY IMGSection shall be open to those paid members of the Medical Society of the State of New York who have obtained their medical school education outside the United States. Conduct, rights and privileges of IMG Section membership shall be governed by the Bylaws of the MSSNY. The IMG Section may establish its own bylaws so long as they are not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Medical Society of the State of New York and are approved by the MSSNY Council. The IMG Section shall hold meetings in order to conduct such business as may be necessary. They shall establish a Governing Council to be elected by the constituents of the IMG Section. Any paid member of the Section may participate in meetings of the Section. The IMG Section is authorized to be represented in the House of Delegates by a minimum of one delegate and, according to the rolls of the Medical Society of the State of New York sixty days prior to the annual meeting, one additional delegate for each additional 400 members over 100, up to a maximum of three delegates. The method of electing the delegates representing the IMG Section shall be determined by the Council. The IMG Section is authorized to be represented on the MSSNY Council by one Councilor with voice and vote. The IMG Section Councilor shall be a member of the IMG Section. The duties of the IMG Section Councilor shall be as outlined in the MSSNY Bylaws, Article IV, Sections A and B.

SECTION E. IMG SECTION2023-10-12T19:33:00+00:00


SECTION D. ORGANIZED MEDICAL STAFF SECTION There shall be a section which shall be known as the Organized Medical Staff Section. The organized medical staff section shall represent physicians on the medical staffs of acute care hospitals located in New York State; of psychiatric inpatient facilities maintained by the State of New York or its political subdivisions; and of hospitals with inpatient programs certified by the New York State Office of Mental Health; and of other health facilities and delivery systems. The Council shall establish the criteria for representation of health facilities and delivery systems in the organized medical staff section. The purpose of the Organized Medical Staff Section shall be to offer education and assistance to physicians and their medical staff organizations and to represent their interests and concerns. Membership in the MSSNY Organized Medical Staff Section shall be those MSSNY physician members in good standing who are physician members of their respective hospital medical staff. Conduct, rights and privileges of OMSS membership shall be governed by the Bylaws of the MSSNY. The OMSS may establish its own Bylaws so long as they are not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Medical Society of the State of New York. The Organized Medical Staff Section shall hold meetings in order to conduct such business as may be necessary. The OMSS shall establish a Governing Council to be elected by the constituents of the OMSS. Any paid member of the OMSS may participate in meetings of the Section. The organized medical staff section is authorized to be represented in the House of Delegates by one delegate. The method of electing the delegate representing the organized medical staff section shall be determined by the Council.



SECTION C. YOUNG PHYSICIANS SECTION Membership in the MSSNY Young Physician Section shall be open to those paid members of the Medical Society of the State of New York who have completed a residency training program and are age 40 or under or those regardless of age who have completed a residency training program within the past eight years. Conduct, rights and privileges of young physician membership shall be governed by the Bylaws of the MSSNY. The YPS may establish its own Bylaws so long as they are not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Medical Society of the State of New York and are approved by the MSSNY Council. The Young Physician Section shall hold meetings in order to conduct such business as may be necessary. The YPS shall establish a Governing Council to be elected by the constituents of the YPS. Any paid member of the YPS may participate in meetings of the Section. The young physicians section is authorized to be represented in the House of Delegates by a minimum of one delegate and, according to the rolls of the Medical Society of the State of New York sixty days prior to the annual meeting, one additional delegate for each additional 400 members over 100, up to a maximum of three delegates. The method of electing the delegates representing the young physicians section shall be determined by the Council. The young physicians section is authorized to be represented on the MSSNY Council by one Councilor with voice and vote. The YPS Councilor shall be elected by the constituents of the YPS. The duties of the YPS Councilor shall be as outlined in the MSSNY Bylaws, Article IV, Sections A and B.



SECTION B. RESIDENT PHYSICIANS AND FELLOW SECTION There shall be a section within the MSSNY which shall be known as the Resident and Fellow Section. The purpose of the Resident and Fellow Section shall be to encourage and support the active participation of New York physicians-in-training and those enrolled in a fellowship program in the State of New York in the Medical Society of the State of New York and to represent the interests and concerns specific to resident physicians and fellows in the State of New York. Membership in the MSSNY Resident and Fellow Section shall be open to those resident physicians enrolled in a residency training program or Fellowship program in the State of New York who are paid members of the Medical Society of the State of New York. Conduct, rights and privileges of resident physician membership shall be governed by the Bylaws of the MSSNY. The RFS may establish its own Bylaws so long as they are not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Medical Society of the State of New York and are approved by the MSSNY Council. The Resident and Fellow Section shall hold meetings in order to conduct such business as may be necessary. The RFS shall establish a Governing Council to be elected by the constituents of the RFS. Any paid member of the RFS may participate in meetings of the Section. The Resident and Fellow Section is authorized to be represented in the House of Delegates by a minimum of one delegate and, according to the rolls of the Medical Society of the State of New York, sixty days prior to the annual meeting, one additional delegate for each additional 400 members over 100, up to a maximum of three delegates. The method of electing the resident and fellow section delegate(s) shall be determined by the Council. Delegates representing the RFS at the House of Delegates shall be elected by the constituents of the RFS. The Resident and Fellow Section is authorized to be represented on the MSSNY Council by one Councilor with voice and vote. The RFS Councilor shall be elected by the constituents of the RFS. The duties of the RFS Councilor shall be as outlined in the MSSNY Bylaws, Article IV, Sections A and B.

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